
R. Steven Lewis环球。自收获B.Arch以来。在1979年在锡拉库斯大学,帆布63岁的建筑师从纽约队前往洛杉矶到华盛顿州的洛杉矶,底特律,回到L.A.,在公共和私营部门工作。他现在是ZGF洛杉矶办公室的城市设计惯例,他的项目包括萨克拉门托的10亿美元的加州办事处。vwin德赢是正规网站吗

在他的旅程中,一个不变的是意识到种族在建筑中扮演的角色。刘易斯的父亲罗杰·c·刘易斯(Roger C. Lewis)是纽约刘易斯-特纳合伙公司(Lewis- turner Partnership)的建筑师,他从父亲那里学到了这一点。“我和我父亲很亲近,”他说,“当他和他的黑人同事在一个充满敌意、坦率地说,是种族主义的环境中开展业务时,我经常陪他去工作。”我记得我和爸爸一起去纽约大楼部门审核计划。柜台后面的蓝头发女士以为我父亲是送照片的邮递员,告诉他‘只要把画放在那边就行了’。”


刘易斯监督Richards Boulevard Office Complex for Sacramento的一般服务部的城市设计。图片由ZGF提供,点击放大

Lewis joined his father’s office, and then moved to Los Angeles and worked briefly for his architect uncle, David E. Crompton, before teaming up with Roland Wiley and Steven Lott, both Black architects, to form RAW Inter­national, focused on corporate interiors, retail, and showrooms. “California had not yet banned affirmative action, so we advertised ourselves as MBE (Minority Business Enterprise),” says Lewis. “We were lucky. We got tenant-improvement work at the new L.A. Produce Market, and then the new Pacific Design Center, so we got to design showrooms.”

In 2004, Lewis left RAW to begin a four-year term as program manager at the Federal GSA Office of the Chief Architect in Washington, D.C. There he plugged into the Design Excellence Program, which was, he says, “creating a legacy of civic architecture for our time.” He also spent a year as a Loeb Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, where he focused on racism in the architectural profession and organized a symposium on the subject. In addition, he worked with GSD students to design a community center in South Africa.

2008年,刘易斯回到了洛杉矶,在那里他采取了一系列私营部门的管理工作,并建立了2011年思考领导力的咨询实践。然后,在2016年,他离开摩尔切底特律规划部门作为设计总监。Cox, with the ambitious mission of helping to revitalize the city’s outlying neighborhoods. He also became a professor of practice at the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Yet, even at this high point in his career, racism reared its head. “I went to a community meeting,” he recalls. “A colleague introduced me to a big local architect, who looked right past me and extended his hand to one of my staff, who was white.”


1998年,Lewis公司Raw International是洛杉矶加州科学中心的ZGF的助理建筑师。图片©Timothy Hursley


“ZGF, acutely aware of the underrepresentation of Blacks in the profession, saw in me qualities that could help the firm evolve into a more just, equal, diverse, and inclusive organization,” says Lewis, who was the recipient of the AIA’s Whitney M. Young Jr. Award in 2016.

刘易斯在全国少数民族建筑师组织(NOMA)组织近40年,并在2009-10期间担任总裁。目前,他第二次是NoMa杂志的编辑。“宣传,”刘易斯说,“一直是我身份的一个组成部分,无论是建筑师和一个黑人。”AIA认识到他在建筑平等方面的持续工作,刘易斯为2016年颁发了Whitney M. Young Jr.奖。



刘易斯如何在今天的建筑中继续为黑人而努力?“我和人们交谈,”他说。“我以一种合理、可信的方式对待白人同事,不会把他们逼到守势。”但刘易斯不只是说话。他在大型项目中为黑人分包商寻找机会。vwin德赢是正规网站吗他促成了与黑人所有公司的合作。他鼓励友邦保险大公司圆桌会议(AIA Large Firm Roundtable)向历史上的黑人大学捐款,招募黑人实习生,并在他们的公司内建立绝地(Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion)“银行”。这允许公司成员积极参与绝地的工作——参加“黑人的命也是命”的游行或在市中心的高中做演讲——然后把时间账单给绝地银行,就像他们给一个项目账单一样。特别是在ZGF,“我们正在改变招聘和面试协议,以进一步使公司多样化。然后,一旦Black建筑师进入公司,我们就为发展创造了一条清晰的道路。” With his own rich and varied career trajectory, that is obviously something Lewis knows about.