


弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)在加拿大多伦多长大,1947年与家人移居洛杉矶,1954年在南加州大学(University of Southern California)获得建筑学学士学位。毕业后,他应征加入美国陆军,在《退伍军人权利法案》的帮助下,他在哈佛大学设计研究生院学习城市规划直到1957年。从那时起,盖里开始了长达60年的建筑生涯,他在世界各地设计过公共和私人建筑。盖里的作品的特点包括对人们在空间中舒适生活的特别关注,以及坚持他的建筑在满足客户预算的同时,兼顾其所在地的文脉和文化。

自1974年加入美国建筑师协会(American Institute of Architects)院士学院(College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects)以来,盖里对建筑领域的贡献为他赢得了一些最重要的认可。这是他从该组织获得的100多个国家和地区奖项中的第一个,包括1999年的杰出金牌。除了被授予1989年普利兹克建筑奖(该领域的最高荣誉),其他著名的奖项包括1977年美国艺术与文学学院的Arnold W. Brunner纪念奖,1992年Wolf基金会的Wolf艺术(建筑)奖,他是1998年弗里德里希·基斯勒奖(Friedrich Kiesler Prize)的首位获得者。其他重要的建筑奖项包括2000年皇家建筑师协会的金奖,2002年美国艺术与文学学院的建筑金奖,以及2008年威尼斯双年展的金狮终身成就奖。

盖里先生对艺术的贡献也被日本艺术协会(Japan Art Association)于1992年授予皇家艺术奖(Praemium Imperiale Award),以“表彰对艺术发展、普及和进步做出突出贡献的人”。1994年,他成为第一个收件人的多萝西和莉莉安吉斯”奖一生贡献艺术之后,国家艺术勋章奖(1998),长期的忘忧草功绩勋章识字俱乐部莲属植物俱乐部(1999),和美国人的终身成就奖艺术(2000)。盖里先生还因其对艺术的贡献和支持获得了美国皇家学院信托协会(American Associates of the Royal Academy Trust, 2010)的约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利奖(John Singleton Copley Award)、库珀联盟科学与艺术促进奖(Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art Award, 2010)和2015年盖蒂奖(Getty Award)。



在他的职业生涯中,Gehry先生仍然致力于在本地和国际上致力于慈善工作。In Los Angeles, he is currently engaged in a number of pro bono design projects including the headquarters for Children’s Institute Inc., a nonprofit located in the heart of the Watts that provides services to children and families effected by violence, and most recently a new center for the LA Philharmonic’s Youth Orchestra Los Angeles in Inglewood that provides free music education to students across the city. For the past several years, Mr. Gehry has also been working with the nonprofit organization River LA to coordinate policy and develop a master plan that will revitalize the 51-mile Los Angeles River by improving the waterway, creating open park space that supports the region’s biodiversity, and implementing infrastructure that connects the neighborhoods and increases access to recreational and cultural programming in the communities. As part of his extensive outreach and public engagement during the master plan design process, Mr. Gehry has personally met with several schools that stretch along the river and has since made plans to include ten of these schools in Turnaround Arts California, a program he co-founded in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts that strives to build arts education in all schools. Internationally, Mr. Gehry contributed the design for the Pierre Boulez Concert Hall in Berlin, a performance space for the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, a youth orchestra that unites musicians with diverse backgrounds from around the Middle East. He is also a founding board member of the Hereditary Disease Foundation, which funds innovative research towards curing Huntington’s disease.

Gehry先生的显着项目包括:西班牙毕尔vwin德赢是正规网站吗巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆;明尼苏达大学Minneapolis,明尼苏达州明尼苏达大学的Frederick R.Weisman艺术博物馆;Nationale-Nederlanden大厦在布拉格,捷克共和国;DZ银行大厦在柏林,德国;Richard B.纽约哈德森·哈德森的Bard学院表演艺术中心;Maggie的中心,苏格兰邓迪的癌症患者中心;沃尔特迪斯尼音乐厅在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州;Jay Pritzker Pavilion和BP桥梁在千年公园在芝加哥,伊利诺伊州;Hotel Marques de Riscal在西班牙El Ciego;安大略省的美术馆在多伦多,安大略省; Peter B. Lewis Science Library in Princeton, New Jersey; Lou Ruvo Brain Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada; New Campus for New World Symphony in Miami, Florida; Eight Spruce Street Residential Tower in New York City; Opus Residential Tower in Hong Kong; Signature Theatre in New York City; House for the Make it Right Foundation in New Orleans, Louisiana; Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, France; Biomuseo in Panama City, Panama; the Dr. Chau Chak Wing Building for the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia; the West Campus for Facebook in Menlo Park, California; the Boulez Hall in Berlin, Germany; the Louis Vuitton flagship store in Seoul, South Korea; and the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial in Washington D.C.

目前的项目包括阿vwin德赢是正规网站吗联酋的阿布扎比古根海姆、安大略省多伦多的国王街开发项目;8150日落在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚;加州圣莫尼卡的海洋大道项目;La Maison LVMH - Arts, Talents, Patrimoine巴黎,法国;以色列特拉维夫的世界犹太博物馆;加州洛杉矶的洛杉矶河振兴项目和加州阿瑟顿的单户住宅项目;vwin德赢是正规网站吗加州的洛杉矶,墨西哥的卡波圣卢卡斯。

vwin德赢是正规网站吗在建项目包括法国阿尔勒的LUMA / Parc des Ateliers;德赢vwin安卓费城艺术博物馆,费城,宾夕法尼亚州;位于加州门洛帕克的Facebook园区;加州洛杉矶的Grand Avenue项目;洛杉矶青年管弦乐团(YOLA)在加利福尼亚州英格伍德的新中心;儿童协会,瓦茨,CA;华纳媒体在加州伯班克的新总部;以及英国伦敦的巴特西电站开发项目。
