
The act of tucking an ancillary living unit—such as a backyard cottage, granny flat, in-law suite, guest bungalow, income apartment, or converted garage—onto the same site with a single-family house isn’t always welcome, or even legal, in many communities across the US. But there’s a growing trend to green-light “accessory dwelling units,” or ADUs. Most progressively, California passed legislation in 2017 to legalize these modest, self-sufficient dwellings throughout the state—prompted, in large part, by a chronic housing crisis and shortage of affordable options. Promoting diversity in scale and income levels, ADUs also advance the environmental benefits of “living small” and creating denser communities. The legal version of this building type has “already become immensely popular here,” says Christopher Hawthorne, chief design officer for the city of洛杉矶在过去的三年里,ADUs占了新增住房许可证的22%。为了简化这一过程,包括洛杉矶在内的全州市政当局部分放宽了停车和退房等要求,同时开发了一些激励项目,为中低收入租户提供更多的adu。现在洛杉矶正在采取措施进一步简化审批程序,同时利用城市的创新和折衷的住宅设计文化:今天,它的建筑安全部门(LADBS)与市长办公室合作,推出了ADU标准计划项目,为房主提供从网上经过全面审查的设计目录中选择的选项,将批准时间缩短至一天。

eScher Gunewardena建筑设计。

通过eScher Gunewardena建筑

达到本公告,该市聘请了14家公司 - 主要是本地和新兴人才 - 在六个月,幕后的飞行员阶段,旨在在审查过程和用户​​界面中平滑扭结。在选择参与者时,霍桑(Hawthorne)表示,“我们想要一个公司的混合,包括一些已经从洛杉矶完成的Adus-A组,而且有一些外人,因为该市一直开放到其他地方的投入。”在发布时,九名参与者的计划(其中一些人产生了多个)准备滚动。他们来自欢迎项目的洛杉矶实践;vwin德赢是正规网站吗第一局;Fung + Blatt;Taalman架构;eScher Gunewardena建筑;和设计,婊子;加上马萨诸塞州的珍妮弗·邦纳/商城; and two modular-prefab companies, Abodu, from Northern California, and Connect Homes, from LA. Still pending approval is work from five additional designers: the local firms of wHY Architecture; Amunátegui Valdés (also based in Chile); and LA Más, a grassroots, community-and-policy-focused non-profit; as well as SO–IL and Sekou Cooke Studio, both from New York state.





除了这个初始组之外,霍桑强调,该计划现在“向任何和所有建筑师,承包商以及符合基本要求的其他公司开放”。In developing LA’s ADU standard-plan option—akin to LADBS’s existing pre-approved offerings for swimming pools and stairs—the city’s team looked closely at pre-screened accessory-dwelling initiatives in place elsewhere, including Seattle and the California cities of San Jose, San Diego, and Santa Cruz. While some municipalities own the approved plans and license them for use, Los Angeles is not adopting that approach, at least not initially. Instead, homeowners will work directly with the architects on any financial arrangements. And rather than offer a handful of fairly generic choices, LA is opening the floodgates to a wide variety of designs, some quite inventive, quirky, or playful—qualities previously achieved here (at least legally) only with custom-designed ADUs, permitted through the more demanding conventional process.



jennifer bonner /商场

jennifer bonner /商场的内部。

jennifer bonner /商场的内部

“鉴于设计成无效的挑战,没有网站或客户,以及像地震和能源代码的严格约束,”我对各种方法感到惊讶和感到惊讶和感到惊讶。““提案超出了基本需要标准化,可膨胀,宜居,灵活地击中实用性和表现形象之间的甜蜜点。”在许多情况下,这种个性,甚至奇思妙想,都与南加州州的白话 - 通过西班牙语 - 殖民风格的进步(如欢迎项目的工作);vwin德赢是正规网站吗或者是现代主义斯特克式框的典故(如Jennifer Bonner / Mall和Fung + Blatt的提案);或通过蒸馏合理的简单义(如模块化,预制的金属包覆形式的Taalman架构)。一些设计唤起了花园亭的幻想,特别是SO-IL的发光,圆柱形结构,具有其花瓣状的计划,在潮湿(厨房 - 浴室)芯上形成一个可重新配置的房间。即使没有特定的网站,一些Adus都雕刻了私人户外领域,包括两个带屋顶甲板 - 一个由Jennifer Bonner / Mall,另一个由AmunáteguiValdés-和宁静的方面法院由Fung + Blatt。28批准的或待处理的方案的范围从一室公寓到两卧室单位,有很多但不是全部,使用单层,粘性框架施工以易于批准。也就是说,一些传统的制造方法也在混合中,包括3D印刷的建筑物包络 - 将作为平坦的面板运输,并在现场组装 - La-Más计划将其融入其后院CASITAS。

霍桑认为,标准计划项目不仅有利于ADU业主和租户,也为年轻的建筑师和小办公室提供了一个潜在的生命线,度过拮据的时代。他指出,即使是在大流行和经济动荡时期,洛杉矶的ADU申请数量在2020年仍然保持稳定。在后期,该项目的一个关键目标将与市政府的其他ADU计划相吻合,如LA Accelerator,该计划为业主提供补贴和支持,以换取他们承诺以负担得起的价格将公寓出租给老年人。在洛杉矶市,70%的住宅用地保留给独户住宅,Hawthorne说,ADUs可以为住房存量做出重大贡献,“丰富它,扩大它的多样性,并有可能打开更多住房的道路Angeleños。”