Christo, the conceptual artist who, with his wife and partner Jeanne-Claude, transformed urban landmarks and swaths of nature with vastly ambitious installations, died in New York on Sunday at the age of 84. The Bulgarian-born artist’s medium was largely fabric—most famously wrapping the entire hulking semi-ruin of Berlin’s Reichstag in shimmery silver in the summer of 1995, creating an exuberant atmosphere in the city still emerging from the fall of the wall. “The mood was just unbelievable,” recalled Norman Foster, who began his re-design of that old seat of power the moment the dressing came off.

克里斯托和让-克劳德的作品几乎在任何地方都引起了公众的热烈反响:在比斯坎湾(Biscayne vwin德赢是正规网站吗Bay), 11个小岛被粉红色覆盖(1983年);覆盖巴黎新桥,灯具和所有(1985年);用将近两英里长的藏红花布料来制作走道连接两个岛屿在意大利湖伊索(2016年)。在2005年在纽约市的灰色二月期间,中央公园与“盖茨”来到充满活力的生活:7500钢铁支撑悬挂着明亮的橙色面料,蜿蜒穿过23英里的寒冷景观。

根据克里斯托和珍妮 - 克劳德的说法,部分艺术性(她于2009年去世,就像她的丈夫一样,只使用名字),是与公共官员的规划,物流和争吵 - 经常多年来允许安装这些项目的许可vwin德赢是正规网站吗。据此,他们是融资的纽约时报,通过向收藏家和博物馆销售图纸和模型。奢侈的纪录片书籍伴随着许多作品。

Christo的最终项目,几十年的概念,是包装arc de triomphe在银色蓝色织物的巴黎,用红绳,最初计划于9月开放,但推迟到2021年9月冠状病毒