
RECORD had obtained a preliminary draft of the EO, entitled “Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again,” which decries the quality of architecture under the General Service Administration’s (GSA) Design Excellence Program, for its failure to re-integrate “our national values into Federal buildings.” The document calls for re-writing the Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture, issued in 1962, which became the foundation of the Design Excellence Program. The original principles state that “an official style must be avoided,” and that new federal buildings should reflect their time.


友邦保险是在去年秋天才第一次了解到这位首席执行官的。1月初,执行副总裁兼首席执行官罗伯特·艾维(Robert Ivy)访问白宫,会见了国内政策助手詹姆斯·舍克(James Sherk),后者甚至否认存在这样的命令。但GSA后来承认,在某些方面已经取得了进展。


在EO草案被泄露给AIA之前,该组织一直密切关注特朗普总统对美国美术委员会(FAC)的任命,该委员会批准了首都的大部分建筑。该委员会有7名专家成员,2018年11月,特朗普首次任命贾斯汀·舒鲍(Justin shubow)为委员会成员,他不是建筑师,而是国家公民艺术协会(National Civic Art Society)的总统会员,该协会是一家致力于促进古典建筑发展的非盈利机构。(舒波大声抗议由弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)设计的艾森豪威尔纪念堂(Eisenhower Memorial),它最终将于今年5月开放。)该协会的网站声称,“当代建筑基本上是失败的”,并寻求“帮助建筑回归到它的前现代主义根源”。

去年12月,特朗普又任命了两名FAC成员:美国建筑师协会(AIA)的詹姆斯·c·麦克里二世(James C. McCrery II),美国国家公民艺术协会(National Civic Art Society)的创始人和董事会成员,以及美国建筑师协会(AIA)的邓肯·g·斯托里克(Duncan G. Stroik), FAC的网站称,他的作品“受到古典建筑永恒的启发”。(由奥巴马总统任命的其他四名成员的任期将于明年12月到期。)

国家公民艺术社会的指纹均在拟议的eo上。In the draft, the mechanism for the imposition of the classical style (traditional regional architecture—such as Spanish colonial—would also be permitted in places like Florida; think Mar-a-Lago) would be a President’s Committee for the Re-Beautification of Federal Architecture. Its members would include the Commissioner of the GSA’s Public Building Service—and at least one member of the FAC. That process would bypass the GSA’s Design Excellence program; the chief architect who supervises it, David Insinga, resigned his post at the end of January.


其他反对的声音来自惊人的角落。Notre Dame建筑学院院长迈克尔Lykoudis,强调古典建筑和传统城市主义,写信给华盛顿邮报》他在学习中沮丧的潜在次序。“古典建筑不是一种风格,”他说。“这是对社区、韧性和美丽原则的奉献。”该建议“将整个架构哲学简化为讽刺漫画”。

Similarly, the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art, a group “dedicated to advancing the appreciation and practice of traditional architecture,” stated it opposed “any government-mandated ‘style’ … and any dictate that narrows public discourse in the design of civic architecture.”
