上周四,2月28日,柏林的皮埃尔·布勒娄大厅感到毛毡,看起来像是一个斯特拉德马里斯,因为Daniel Barenboim庆祝Frank Gehry的90TH.在一场音乐会的生日致力于洛杉矶建筑师。杰出的柏林的指挥荣誉通过播放木镶板大厅,两年前成立,就像一个共振乐器,通过音乐从耳语到爆炸性的音乐来实现。如果Le Corbusier(从歌德借来)表示,建筑是冻结的音乐,Barenboim揭示了它,邀请Gehry的温暖,环境大通进入充满活力的双人乐团。


Pierre Boulez Hall的存在的情况占晚了,并设置了深情的语气。At Barenboim’s invitation, Gehry designed the interior (pro bono) as a chamber music hall dedicated to their mutual friend, French composer Pierre Boulez, who died in 2016. The 680-seat room is the primary performance space within the Barenboim-Said Academy, an institute formed by Barenboim and the late Columbia scholar Edward Said where young, promising Middle Eastern musicians, especially Palestinians and Israelis, could come together in comity through music. Gehry himself broke concert hall conventions by designing the hall as an oval of seating wrapping a stage at the center, eschewing the usual shoebox with a proscenium stage at the front end. The geometry brings the audience so close to the musicians that the members of the audience can see notes on the page. The unprecedented proximity to the musicians and physical immersion in the sound contributed to the emotional intimacy and intensity of the event.

Barenboim选择了三个令人惊叹的,很少听到碎片。由Michael Barenboim,Carmor的儿子Michael Barenboim的小提琴播放了Boulez的Dovilishly“AnthèmesII”,以Paganini-Like的性能,以电子伴奏。分形成分合成小提琴通常的铿son声的声音,使这个模拟仪器声音数字。Robert Schumann’s “Andante and Variations in B-flat Major” brought out the honey in the Hall’s acoustics, and it was movingly performed by Daniel Barenboim himself, as pianist, with lifelong friend and colleague Martha Argerich, a pianist from his long-ago beginnings in Buenos Aires, where Barenboim first studied music. With the curves of the pianos arranged in a cupping conjugal relationship, the two pianists accompanied musicians playing cellos and a French horn. The sounds of Schumann’s Andante were as mellow and fluid as Anthèmes’s were jagged and angular.

但是,这块Résistance是Pierre Boulez的“Sur Insises”,由三名钢琴家,三名竖琴师和三名冲击者进行的驾驶,打击乐,激动的作品。它坚持的节奏加速,在雷声的风暴中加速和高潮。在音乐会之后的言论中,巴伦布姆说:“特别是特殊的一天!”宣布“Sur Incises”宣布21英石世纪音乐就像“春天的仪式”宣布了20TH.世纪音乐。“弗兰克·佩瑞的生日没有更合适的作品,因为弗兰克建造了大厅并没有巧合,而且它被命名为Pierre Boulez。他们分享了这么多想法。”

事实上,就在他发表亲切的讲话前几分钟,狂风大作的《Sur Incises》几乎解释了整个大厅。它被驱动的、不对称的节奏在不断增加的声团中移动,就像盖里内部的复合曲线不断变成旋转的构型,不断变化的形式推动和加速空间。布列兹在一个空的时间结构中创作了他的动态杰作,音符在自己的鼓声中跳动,就像盖里在一个空的空间结构中设计了起伏的墙壁和阳台,没有任何可察觉的柱状或模块化度量:形式和空间只是流动。无论是音乐作品还是建筑作品,都是大胆的无框架作品,不受任何有规律的时间或空间节拍的限制。每一个都是彼此的联觉对等物。音乐通过声音来解释大厅,大厅通过三维来视觉化音乐,两者在第四维度上重合。
