当建筑师听到弗兰克·格里的名字时,他们的第一个想法很可能是冒险的雕塑形式,就像在纽约市的曲折住宅摩天大楼或滚滚玻璃帆包裹的那些美化路易威登在巴黎。或者,他们可能会设想在西班牙巴斯克地区毕尔巴鄂博尔巴鄂的碰撞钛 - 包覆卷,仍然闻名于改变港口城市经济2年后完成。

然而,在Philadelphia艺术博物馆的Gehry Partners的当前项目,正式在周四正德赢vwin安卓在进行仪式突破,是不同的性质。这项工作几乎完全在博物馆的1928年希腊复兴建设的足迹范围内(大多数人都将从1976年电影中识别出来洛基在本杰明富兰克林大道的负责人。



The core project is part of a larger master plan that Gehry Partner’s was hired to develop in 2006. An earlier phase, completed in 2012, included designing and building an art handling facility and what Gehry referred to during the groundbreaking as “the best goddam loading dock in history.” With that work done, the museum can focus on revealing the “bones” provided by the building’s original architects—Julian Francis Abele of Horace Trumbauer’s office and Zantzinger, Borie, and Medarie. The project will also make the museum’s circulation more logical by removing “opportunistic interventions” made over time and reestablishing lost axes and obscured vistas. Gehry compared the work to a cardiovascular procedure. “It involves unclogging the arteries,” he said.

计划改变的渲染传达了一个庄严而温暖的削减古典主义。尽管它的微妙之处,希望更新将提供博物馆的毕尔巴鄂效果。根据Gehry的说法,这是Rub的前任Anne D'Harnoncourt的原始挑战,他于2008年去世。
